Saturday, June 17, 2006

This one isnt really a post because it's a circular reference

I am writing again. About 10 months after getting my engineering degree, a week before leaving my first job, a month and two days after my first venture starting and more importantly more than an year since I made my last post. I have 15 drafts sitting in my Blogger account on random arcane musings on philosophical and practical stuff (some of which I have spoken about to my friends getting a "gyaan dena band kar" comment) - just a collection of thoughts waiting to be articulated which I refuse to do (or can't do because I will keep thinking what I have written is not 'right enough').
What does that say about me?
I tell myself I need time - which I am going to get when I leave my job, (I think I use to tell myself that in my final year at college as well) - but will I really ever have time? Considering I have already listed tons of things I will do when I have time. We will see how it goes. On that badly articulated, insufficiently pondered upon thought - I leave my readers (Why am I being pretentious - I think the reader count is currently one - myself - and perhaps a few blog spammers).

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